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Need an Event Caterers?

Need an Event Caterers?

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Are you in need of an event caterers? Try Fooddotcom Caterers?

Wow… Fooddotcom Caterers, the only catering outfit where simplicity meets luxury. Whatever your type of event, we will take the stress out of you and your guests.

We are the answers to all your inquiry as relates to party affairs.

Our chefs are well trained in both local and continental cuisines with waiters and waitress on  ground to give it a professional touch.

So for your next:

  • Wedding receptions
  • Birthday parties
  • Chieftancy Parties
  • Anniversary celebration
  • Business luncheons
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Cocktail parties
  • Send forth parties
  • Re-union parties
  • Venue decoration
  • All kind of meeting and ceremonies

We also handle delivery of birthday and celebration cakes and prepares small chops on-site and off-site.

We cover the entire states of the federation.

Fooddotcom caterers are the solutions to all your party challenges.

For a stress free occasions, call our customer care line.

So, what are you waiting for?

Give them a call today on their customer care line: +234(0) 7061842021! Email: [email protected].

Thanks for checking out on us.

About The Author

Rasaq Oke

Rasaq Oke hold a Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.) Honours degree in Food Science & Technology from the prestigious Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife. He is a seasoned Food Technologist and Agribusiness expert with wide and rich industry experience that cut across reputable organization like Guinness Plc, Crown Cork and Seal, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals (now Neimeth Pharmaceuticals), Livestock Feeds Plc. and Tantalizers Plc. He is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of FOODDOTCOMACADEMY SERVICES, Managing Consultant with RESPITALITY CARE COMPANY (RCC), and Publisher/ CEO of FOODPRENEURS PUBLISHING COMPANY, the publisher of FOODPRENEURNEWS, a print and online food magazine ( Mr. Oke is an accomplished food entrepreneur, consultant, administrator, instructor, and facilitator. He is a member of the Governing Council of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) and the Head,-Editorial Board of the NIFST Food Forum Magazine; An Executive Member of the Nigeria Association of Agricultural Journalist (NAAJ). He is an Full Member and Secretary of the Membership, Certification and Education Committee of the Governing Council of the Nigerian Institute of Training and Development (NITAD). He a a Media and Communication Consultant to the Lagos State Fadama Coordination Office (SFCO) and the Lagos State Coconut Development Authority (LASCODA) in addition to being a Technical Partner to the Lagos State Consumer Protection Authority (LASCOPA). He is married with children and loves playing table tennis as well as travelling.